I Can Feel Your Heartbeat

 For some reason this song has gotten me hooked. Probably because it seems very Valentine’s Day-y.  The romance of a heartbeat in tune with another’s seems to be one of those ultimate moments.  They even tell lover’s to breath in tune with one another and it will align your heartbeats.  To me that seems incredibly romantic and intimate.

For me though, the song fits with a dream I had the other night.  A dream where there was this man I had a past relationship with and now was possibly going to have a second chance.  All just my mind fitting the people in and the situation, but it was incredibly emotional.  So mush so that I can still feel my heart pounding like it was in the dream. It felt that real.

Even though it was only a dream, I liked it so much, through even the sad moments, that I started writing about it.  Turning it into a story.  And this song has got me working on it and focusing on it like crazy.  But it fits with the subject of the idea.

Enjoy this random  posting of a song and idea.

Writing on


Dream Writing

Dreams: Crazy brain or writing inspiration?

 I don’t know about most people, but I dream like crazy. Always have, and though at times, they can be terribly disturbing, most have gone on to add color to my life in thought patterns and who knows what.  One way that I have utilized my dreams is to take part of one and turn it into a story. Or to continue on with what might have happened had I not woken up.

I have actually had great ideas while dreaming.  Granted, half the time, they are all mixed up and rarely do they make tons of sense, there are times when a whole story is there.  I’ll wake up, jazzed and thinking to myself, “alright! I’ve got something here!”  I’ll usually spend the day thinking about what it was in the dream that was most vivid, and play out scenarios.  Rarely do I write it down when I wake up.  (I am NOT a morning person, so writing in the morning is a drag.)  If I am lucky, or if I actually take the time, I will write down what I can of the dream, later on. But rarely do I ever do that.  What I do instead is start writing the premise of the story I’ve created from the dream, and go from there.  Sometimes I start with the whole, ‘before the dream even started’ plot.  I have one story that came to be from a dream, and I have yet to even write the part that happened in the dream.  That was two or three years ago. No, pardon, four years.  I still have the vividness of the dream in my head, even though I have yet to congeal it into anything on paper.  The whole beginning chapters are already written and everything.

It’s actually quite interesting to me.  It gives me an out; a creative edge to the regular you see in life. Because, honestly, are dreams ever regular? There is always something odd in them.

And I’ve  heard that it is good tow write down your dreams, but I’ve never had the patience for doing that. Especially not in the morning, as I said above.  Most of the time I forget what I dreamed about, except for the ones that have significance.  Personally, I don’t think it is necessary to write down every dream you have.  That is too much, to my taste.  But to try to write down and create from the ones that made a difference. Now that is something.

So, does anyone else ever get inspirations from dreams?  Do you ever write them down?  Do you create from them?  I’d love to know if other writers, or even non writers, work with their dreams.  So feel free to drop me a comment here.

Writing on
