Do Not Disturb The Writer

I had the best laid plans today.  Okay, so really I should not ever say this, because I have the best laid plans every day.  Rarely does it ever come to fruition.  Today was no different.   I had plans to post about Valentine’s Day.  On both of my blogs.  And at 12:13AM on February 15th, here we are……….. 

……Cue crickets chirping…….

Fortunately, it offered me a lesson.  This having plans thing?  This, oh, Mom is sick, so we need to take over and run the household, thing?  I have read for years about writers scheduling time to write.  As in, they write from ten till lunch every day.  Or from nine till one.  I’m more of a fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants type of writer.  When I get around to it, I get around to it. 

Ha! Not so.  You really do have to make time for it.  …… Cue lightbulb going on……

'Idea' that it, I have an idea!

Who knew?  Okay, well apparently other writers do.  And wow, that makes sense.  Now granted, I wasn’t going to write anything that crucial today.  Just a couple posts to keep my blogs up to date.  But I still had plans.  And I could have fit them in today.  There was time earlier in the day before I started lunch and had to clean up, then worry about dinner and a host of other little things.  I probably had about an hour and a half where I could have typed up those blogs.  However, then I wouldn’t have stumbled upon this gem of knowledge. 

Make time for writing.  Set aside time to write.  I’m not telling anyone, mostly myself.  Kind of a reminder as to, you need to sit down, girl.  It’s kind of good to know.

Do not disturb

Another reason it is good to know is that my goal in life is to be a mom and wife.  So staying home and taking care of said home, will be my job. But with kids running around, and home management taking up my time, I will need to make time  to write.  The ‘Do Not Disturb’ signs might actually come in handy.

"No, really, if she's writing, you really don't want to bother her"

Now will come the tricky part.  When to make the time.  Cause, see, I am not a morning writer.  Rarely can anything come out of me before noon.  And usually by afternoon I am busy.  When I finally start thinking about writing, that’s when the news comes on, or I want to watch something I’ve dvr’ed, or that magazine from the library needs reading.  I should add I get easily distracted.  Clearly I will need to organize my time  better when it comes to sitting down and actually working on something.

Well, I made the time  tonight and here is a post.  One that I think will work for the Post A Week 2011 thingy I’m doing.  And it isn’t anything mushy… Not that I do mush.  And it really has nothing to do with Valentine’s Day.

Writing on
